
Friday, June 20, 2014


Please check out the giveaway on the right hand side of this blog.  Beth Shriver, author of Rumspringa's Hope is giving away a Kindle Fire and a copy of her new novel but you have to enter by June 22, 2014.  Just click on the button and enter to win.  I use a Kindle Fire and it is such a nice tablet computer and reader.  Good luck to you all!


I am challenging my readers to make two or more changes to their lifestyle to reduce, reuse, or repurpose some of the "things" in your life.  I will share some ideas that I have done and hope that you will share some of your ideas so together we can simplify our lives and save resources.

Small changes add up.
Sometimes it seems like what's the difference, this change will only save a $3.00 a week, but that is $156.00 in a year.  Now think if you came up with 3 or 4 similar savings.  I have found that the most important thing to incorporate more savings into my life is to think ahead.

Here are some suggestions:
  • Cancel newspaper and magazine subscriptions, get your news online.
  • If your clothes are not really dirty, use cold water when you wash them.
  • Don't run your dishwasher until it is full.
  • Call your cable company and tell them you need to cancel your account unless they lower your bill; they will find a way to save you money on your monthly bill.  I call every six months.
  • Review your auto and home owner's insurance for savings.  I have a high deductible on my home owner's policy because I don't plan on using it unless there is substantial damage done due to a fire, tornado, etc.  Several small claims made against your home owner's policy will normally result in policy cancellation so why pay for a low deductible?
  • If you carry credit card debt, look for an offer of 0% interest on transferred balances to a new credit card.  The amount of your payment going towards interest instead of reducing your balance is money wasted.  Your goal should be to get more of your payment going towards paying off your balance.
  • Just don't go shopping, if you don't go shopping, you can't spend money.  And always ask yourself before you spend, "Do I need this or do I just want this?"  If you actually need it, go ahead and buy it, but if you simply want it, DO NOT BUY IT.
  • When you do go shopping, look for a cheaper alternative.  Look for something other than a name brand.  Could you use a second hand item instead of buying new?
  • If haven't done it already, cancel your home land line telephone and use your cell phone instead, it works just fine.  I have lived without a home land line for seven years now, that translates into $2,520 of savings so far from simply eliminating a $30 a month bill.
  • Cut down on the number of times you eat out at restaurants.  I was shocked at the amount of money we spent at restaurants.  We substantially cut down on meals out, plus when we do go out to eat, we eat more sensibly, bring our leftovers home to have for lunch or dinner the next night, and we consciously choose less expensive venues.  We still have the enjoyment of going out to eat without the guilt the next day of overspending and overeating.
  • Cell phone "family plans" are much more affordable than "single plans".  Get a group together and set up a family plan and split the costs.  Of course make sure everyone in your group is capable of paying on time.
  • Always buying the latest tech toy is very expensive.  Use the technology you currently have and wait until the price tag comes down before you buy new technology.
  • You can easily save money at the grocery store by buying store brands.
  • You can also save money at the grocery store by meal planning in advance instead of throwing this, that, and whatever in your grocery cart.  By sticking to your meal plan, you will be less likely to just pick up carryout or go out to a restaurant.
  • Make a monthly trip to a warehouse store where you can stock up on the items that are worthwhile to buy in bulk.  For my family, we buy huge jars of peanut butter, SlimFast powder mix, vitamins, coffee, toilet paper, and razor blades.  These are items we know we will use up and save substantially by buying in bulk.
  • If you work and have access to a Health Reimbursement Plan where you can put aside pre-tax dollars in an account to be used for unreimbursed medical expenses, sign up and use it.  It can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars, especially if you know you will be having to pay large medical bills (i.e. pregnancy, lasix eye surgery, eyeglasses, orthodontics, root canals or crowns, copays and deductibles).  Whenever you can use pre-tax dollars to pay for your expenses, you are saving money.  If you don't understand how the program works, see your Human Resources Department.  It is their job to explain the program to you.
  • Make a "No Spending" pledge and keep it.
I will revisit this topic periodically with more frugal ideas and I look forward to hearing from you on ideas that have worked for you.


  1. I use a kindle and a tablet and I love them

  2. I think growing up I may have been a bit of a "name brand" snob, especially when it came to grocery items. Now that I run my own household, buy my own groceries and meal plan for my own family I've realized that the Kroger brand products are just as tasty and can save me lots of money. Great tips all around!!
