
Saturday, June 14, 2014

WHAT'S COMING UP JUNE 16 - 20, 2014

Happy Father's Day tomorrow to all the wonderful father's out there.  I had a great dad, he's my guardian angel now, watching over me and helping me as I need it.  I was his baby girl until the day he died.

Today my husband and I are attending our daughter's best friend's wedding.  We wish Molly and Eric a life time of happiness.  Molly and Eric introduced our daughter to her fiance.  Our daughter, Jill and her fiance, Ryan will be wed in November, 2014.  We are so excited that these two beautiful and happy couples will be starting their lives together.

Don't forget to enter Beth Shriver's Kindle giveaway, see the button on the right side of the page.  You may also have noticed the Deeper Shopping button on the right side of this page.  They offer excellent pricing on Amish novels, Christian books, bibles, and many other items.  Check out their prices, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Now onto this upcoming week's posts:

Monday:  A list of Amish genre books about to be released in July and August.

Tuesday:  A Book Review of Plain Admirer by Patricia Davids

Wednesday:  Today's recipe is for Cincinnati Style Chili Spaghetti - super simple and easy.

Thursday:  A Book Review of The Amish Groom by Mindy Starns Clark and Susan Meissner

Friday:  A frugal challenge with 17 specific ideas.

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