
Thursday, June 2, 2016


The picture on the left was taken June 14, 2014 and the picture on the right was taken in the autumn of 2015.

There is a 50 pound difference between those two pictures.  And there is a world of difference in how I feel and what I can do since I lost that weight.  I have managed to keep the weight off for one year so far.  As anyone can tell you, losing the weight is only half the battle, it is just as hard to keep the weight off.  I have changed the way I eat, keep a food diary to track my calories, exercise more, and weigh myself daily.  I am determined to keep this weight off this time.

I will try to begin posting more recipes in the near future.  Most of these recipes will have more healthy ingredients and lower calorie counts to reflect how I am eating now.

Additionally I have also begun reading again and posting my reviews.  This time I am writing the reviews from my point of view instead of using third person point of view.  I hope you like the more personal reflections as I feel I am more directly talking to you, the reader.

You will find updates to my Recipe and Book Review pages.  I promise to keep those updated and to better organize them in the near future so you can more easily find what you are looking for.

Please give me any feedback, good or bad, on what you would like to see in my  You can comment below or send a message to my email at


  1. Congrats on your journey! Blessings :-)

    1. Thank you! Isn't that what life is - one long journey, hopefully forward and to the better but sometimes taking a wrong turn or going in circles?
